Academic drawing is the basis of artistic literacy, the foundation of any serious art education, the layer that underlies any fine art.

We create and update our drawing programs to ensure that each of our visitors can acquire the skills and abilities for which they came to us to help you achieve the goals you seek.

In this course, we will start with simple tasks, and at the end we will try to draw a portrait of a person! An artist is a lifelong learner! And this course will help you lay a solid foundation for your art education!

The program

Class 1
Drawing a plaster ball. Familiarity with the material. Chiaroscuro, volume, shape modeling. Pencil \ paper

Class 2
Drawing a plaster cube. Perspective, construction, chiaroscuro

Class 3
Drawing an apple. Chiaroscuro on a complex shape, tone, shape modeling

Class 4
Still life of plaster figures. Composition in the format. The ratio of forms. Proportions. shape modeling

Class 5
Simple still life. Simple still life of 2-3 objects

Class 6
Drawing from nature. The eye of David. Pencil / paper

Class 7
Drawing from life. David’s nose Pencil / paper

Class 8
Drawing from life. David’s lips Pencil / paper

Class 9
Drawing from life. David’s ear Pencil / paper

Classes 10 and 11
Drawing from life. The skull. Pencil / paper

Class 12
Drawing from life. Portrait of a person from life (or from a photo). Pencil / paper